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Available in the App Store

The Torque+ app is designed to supply information about the torque using Force and Distance, or Length, in put as Newton-meters, Foot-pounds, Inches, Feet, Yards, or Meters.

Also, there are converters for the motion of the wheel and tire on a vehicle, based on the vehicle’s speed in MPH or KPH, rim diameter, and tire body size. The calculator’s results are the RPM (revolutions per minute) of the tire, the RPS (revolutions per second) of the tire, and the distance traveled per second in meters or feet.


– Torque (N-m)
– Torque (Lbs-Ft & N-m)
– Torque Converter between Lbs-Ft & N-m


– Gauge and Size
– Tire Diameter
– Wheel and Motion

Area Converters

• Square Inches and Shorter Conversion
• Square Feet & Yards & Meters Conversion

Distance Converters

• Inches & Centimeters & Millimeters Conversion
• Feet & Yards & Meters Conversion
• Miles & Kilometers Conversion

Volume Converters

• US/Imperial to Metric Units Conversion
• Metric to US/Imperial Units Conversion
• Inches & Centimeters Volume Conversion
• Feet, Yards, & Meters Volume Conversion

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversions by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• iOS 7 is supported
• iPhone 5’s 4 inch screen and the original 3.5 inch screen are supported
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

No network connectivity required.

Note: All information in this app is for informational purposes only.


Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.

Roadtrip Cost Calculator

Available in the App Store

The Roadtrip Cost app is a set of lightweight calculators which lets you estimate the cost of your next road trip and email the results to your traveling buddies. The app also estimates those pesky fractions of a penny, so you don’t end up short, and everyone pays equal.

Roadtrip Calculators

• Roadtrip Cost with US/Imperial units
• Roadtrip Cost with Metric units

Trip Converters

• Cost per Mile/Kilometer
• Relative Fuel Cost Difference
• Trip Duration

Distance Converters

• Feet & Yards & Meters
• Miles & Kilometers

Misc Converters

• Area Converter
• Fuel Efficiency Conversion
• Imperial & US Units
• Metric Units Converter
• Volume Conversion

A network connection is not required for results.

• Send your calculations or conversion by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

This is a Universal App which will run on an iPhone, iPod Touch, and an iPad.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.

Heat Index and Relative Humidity Calculator

Available in the App Store

This is a Universal App which will run on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

* Featured by Apple in ‘What’s Hot’ in 76 countries(1)

* Now displays automatic weather calculation based on iPhone/iPad localization features with available internet access. Just press the Fetch button.

The Heat Index and Relative Humidity Calculator is a tool for measuring the perceived temperature and relative humidity. Because the body normally cools itself by perspiration, when relative humidity is high, the evaporation rate is reduced, and heat is removed from the body at a lower rate causing it to retain more heat than it would in dry air.

Relative humidity may be defined as the ratio of the water vapor density (mass per unit volume) to the saturation water vapor density, and in the case of this iPhone App it is expressed as a percentage. The air temperature and dew point can be entered as Fahrenheit or Celsius.

The calculator will compute both the relative humidity and the heat indexThe calculator will compute both the relative humidity and the heat index when the values for the air temperature and dew point are entered.

The results can also be emailed through the iphone’s email application. The application is completely compatible with the iPhone OS 3 and later, as well as the iPod Touch.

The heat category is a measurement taken from NOAA’s National Weather Service Heat Index Chart and is used to assist in determining how much caution should be exercised when outdoors for any period of time.

The calculator is the most effective when the temperature is at least 80 °F / 26 °C and the relative humidity is at least 40%.

(1) Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Costa, Rica, Croatia, Czech, Republic, Denmark, Dominican, Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong, Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Moldova, New, Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philipines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi, Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South, Africa, Sri, Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Vietnam

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.