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Available in the App Store

The Timeshare Calculator app is a quick, simplified way to process calculations for real estate and income with all the tools in one convenient application.


– Mortgage Loan with Monthly Cost

– Vacation Cost computed from Nights, Cost per Night, Years, and Inflation.

– Statistics : Computes VPG, Closing Percentage and Average Sale Price from Net Volume, Tours and Sales closed.

Also included, calculators for the total of money, salary, income, earnings, and base hourly wage and hourly wage with tips(supplemental income) per hour.

Additional Calculators:

– Hourly Wage Estimate
– Average Tip Per Hour
– Time Difference overnight (military time)
– Time Difference overnight (AM/PM)
– Time Unit Conversion (Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds)

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversions by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• iPhone 6, 6+, 5 screens and the original 3.5 inch screen are supported
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs
• Latest version of iOS is supported
• All iPhone screens are supported

No network connectivity required.
Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions through the Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Dog Soundboard 4 Dogs (Chihuahua, German Shepherd, Labrador, Rottweiler) with Animal Tracking, & Dog Age Calculator

Available in the App Store

The Dog Soundboard makes a barking, whining, and growling noise for four different types of dogs: Chihuahua, German Shepherd, Labrador, & Rottweiler.

The database in the app is also good tool to track your canines age, breed, and just generally take notes on each animal.

The Dog Age Calculator is designed to calculate the comparable human age of a dog using three different formulas, the old formula (7 dog years for every one human year), the new formula (10.5 dog years up to 2 years and then 4 dog years per human each year after), and the breed formula (up to 24 dog years for small and medium breeds and 19 dog years for large breeds up to 2 human years, then 4 for small, 6 for medium, and 8 for large breeds each year thereafter).

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversions by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs
• Latest version of iOS is supported
• iPhone 6, 6+, 5 screens and the original 3.5 inch screen are supported

No network connectivity required.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.


Gas Oil Mixture Ratio Calculator

Available in the App Store

* Featured by Apple in ‘What’s Hot’ in the Australia under iPad > Travel

The Gas Oil Mixture Ratio app calculates the quantity of oil required for a given ratio of fuel and oil suggested by the manufacturer for engines used for recreational and transportation, such as commercial two-cycle carts, golf carts, rotary plows, snowmobiles, blowers, chainsaws, tillers, utility tractors, garden tools, motorcycles, motor scooters, motor skates and other two cycle engines.


1. Gas/Oil Mixture (US Units/Metric)
2. Petrol/Oil Mixture (Imperial Units/Metric)
3. Raw Gauge Value Calculator
4. Exact Usage Ratio
5. Percentage Based Calculator

Area Converters

• Square Inches and Shorter Conversion
• Square Feet & Yards & Meters Conversion

Distance Converters

• Inches & Centimeters & Millimeters Conversion
• Feet & Yards & Meters Conversion
• Nautical Miles, Statue Miles and Kilometers Conversion

Volume Converters

• US/Imperial to Metric Units Conversion
• Metric to US/Imperial Units Conversion
• Inches & Centimeters Volume Conversion
• Feet, Yards, & Meters Volume Conversion

… and Temperature Conversion

Values calculated can be in US Gallons for Gasoline, Imperial Gallons for Petrol, or Liters. If you are uncertain of the need for a mixture, please consult your owners manual. It is not recommended to add oil to the fuel of 4 cycle engines.

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversions by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• iOS 6 & 7 are supported
• iPhone 5’s 4 inch screen and the original 3.5 inch screen are supported
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

No network connectivity required.


Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.