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Plumbing & HVAC Calculators

Available in the App Store

The Plumbing & HVAC Calculators & Converters app is good for reference, educational, and small projects.


1. Weights (Ounces, Grams, Pounds, Tons US, Kilograms, Tons UK, and Tonnes
2. Virtual Airflow (US Units)
3. Virtual Airflow (Metric Units)
4. Reynolds Number for Metric
5. Reynolds Numberfor US / Imperial

The Virtual Airflow & Reynolds Number calculators are designed to give related and relevant information about the amount of air in a defined area, and the size air handler or fan required to move it in a given amount of time. The air movement can be from a heater, AC unit, chiller, refrigeration unit, closed fan unit or cooler (swamp cooler or evaporative cooler) into the area, or from an exhaust fan moving the air out of the area.

For the distance calculators enter the area dimensions in feet or meters. Accuracy to the inch or centimeter is not needed. Enter the number of times per hour that you would like total change of the air mass volume in that area. Enter the air flow specification of the air handler (fan) you anticipate using in cubic feet per minute (CFM) or cubic meters per minute. Click on Calculate and the results will be the (air) volume of the area, the amount of time for each volume of air mass change, the total volume of air requiring movement with an hour, the volume air flow of the suggested fan (based on your entries) and the number of fans or air handlers needed if they are of the target size you selected.

A guideline for clear air (especially if filtered) in an area is 4 to 8 complete cycles every hour.

Area Converters

• Square Inches and Shorter Conversion
• Square Feet & Yards & Meters Conversion

Distance Converters

• Inches & Centimeters & Millimeters Conversion
• Feet & Yards & Meters Conversion
• Miles & Kilometers Conversion

Volume Converters

• US/Imperial to Metric Units Conversion
• Metric to US/Imperial Units Conversion
• Inches & Centimeters Volume Conversion
• Feet, Yards, & Meters Volume Conversion

All results can also be emailed through the iphone’s email application using an automatically filled-in email template provided with the app.

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversion by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

No network connectivity required.

Note: All information in this app is for informational purposes only.

Note: Should not be considered for open fan blade fans in ceilings higher than 12 feet or with fan’s rated or measured in capacity for a room size in square feet rather than cubic feet.



Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.


Acre & Area & Acreage Calculator

Available in the App Store

* Featured by Apple in ‘What’s Hot’ and ‘New & Noteworthy’ in 80 places.

The Acreage Calculator is designed to supply the number of acres (acreage), square feet, square yards, square inches, square meters, and square kilometers based on the values entered. This is an extremely useful calculator for real estate information.

The word acre is defined as meaning an open field. The acre was approximately the amount of land estimated tillable by one man plowing behind an ox in one day. This explains one definition as the area of a rectangle with sides of length one chain (66 feet) and one furlong (660 feet). In reality, a long narrow strip of land is more efficient to plow than a square plot, since the plow does not have to be turned so often. The word furlong (most commonly used in horse racing) itself comes from the fact that it is one furrow long.

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversion by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

No network connectivity required.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.

Asphalt Calculator+

Available in the App Store

The Asphalt Calculator+ is an app which consists of calculators and solvers to help contractors and sales people estimate costs, sizes, and materials amount as well as prices.

The calculator produces the volume in both cubic feet and cubic meters, and the tons of asphalt hot mix which is required for the form size entered. The tonnage calculation is specific to asphalt only. This app calculates 1 cubic yard of hot asphalt mix as weighing 2.025 tons, or 4050 lbs.

• Asphalt

Wood Calculators

• Wood Moisture Calculator
• Board Feet Calculator

Area Converters

• Inches & Centi- & Millimeters
• Feet & Yards & Meters

Distance Converters

• Inches & Centi- & Millimeters
• Feet & Yards & Meters
• Miles & Kilometers

The Wood Equilibrium Moisture Content calculator is designed to give the calculated equilibrium moisture content of non-living wood, natural or cut, based on the data entered, at or below the fiber saturation point (about 30% moisture content) given the temperature and relative humidity.

The moisture content of wood is directly related to the humidity and temperature of the surrounding air. The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) occurs when the wood has reached a water content equilibrium with its environment and is no longer gaining or losing moisture. The calculation used by the calculator is the one provided by the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory.

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversion by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

No network connectivity required.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.