Weather Calculators and Converters

Available in the App Store

* Featured by Apple in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom in both iPhone & iPad > Weather > What’s Hot

The Heat Index and Wind Chill Factor Calculators now display automatic weather calculation based on iPhone/iPad localization features with available internet access. Just press the Fetch button.

The Weather Calculators and Converters app will calculate weather conditions and do conversion between weather units which are input. Entries may be Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, MPH, KPH, Knots, inches of Mercury (in HG), millibars (hPA), millimeters of mercury (mm HG), meters, feet, etc. depending on the type of calculator.

• Send your calculations by mail
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

The following twelve calculators and converters are included

– Heat Index
– Wind Chill
– Relative Humidity & Wetbulb
– Vapor Pressure
– Mixing Ratio
– Virtual Temperature
– Station Pressure
– Altimeter Setting
– Pressure Altitude
– Wind Speed Converter
– Temperature Converter
– Pressure Unit Converter

The results can also be emailed through the iphone’s email application using an automatically filled-in email template.

Simply punch in your raw numbers and press Calculate to get the answers to the formulas. It is as simple as that.

This is a Universal App which will run on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions through the Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Time Value of Money

Available in the App Store

* Featured by Apple under ‘What’s Hot’ in United States under iPad > Finance

Universal Application for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

The Time Value of Money is an App which will help you figure out the value of money figuring in a given amount of interest earned over a given amount of time. The idea is that money made available at the present is worth more than the same amount of money in the future due to its potential earning capacity through interest. Provided this money can earn interest, any amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.

This App specifically concentrates on solving for

1) Present Value (PV),
2) Future Value (FV),
3) Periodic Payment Amount (PMT),
4) Number of Compounding Periods (Time), and
5) Interest Rate (Rate(%))

For example, Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) can be computed by selecting “%” and entering 3 numbers: PV, FV, and Time, then selecting Annual.

This app has built-in reference with equations.

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversions by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Latest version of iOS is supported
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs
• Export to CSV
• iPhone 6, 6+, 5 screens and the original 3.5 inch screen are supported
• Latest version of iOS is supported

No network connectivity required.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions through the Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Marine CFT and PFT Calculators

Available in the App Store

This is a Universal App which will run on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

The Marine CFT and PFT Calculators allows you to accurately score your USMC Combat Fitness and Physical Fitness Tests. Scoring info for both tests are included for reference. Calculations can be made to include altitudes above 4500 feet for both CFT and PFT evaluations. All calculations are computed based on USMC MCO P6100.13 with Chapter 1.

The CFT Calculator portion a tool for calculating the pass or fail status of the Combat Fitness Test as well as the score for each individual event. A corresponding status for each event criteria, MTC (Movement to Contact), AL (Ammunition Lift), and MANUF (Maneuver Under Fire) is computed individually for score and pass or fail status. The individual events are then compiled to calculate the overall score, classification (first / second / third), and then the Composite Score.

The PFT Calculator portion is a tool for measuring Physical Fitness Tests results from a Marine Corps PFT score towards a promotion. A corresponding score for each event, pull-ups (flexed arm for female marines), crunches, and run time is calculated and then added together to for the final score and classification.

Simply punch in your raw numbers and your scores will automatically update. It is as simple as that.

The results can also be emailed through the iphone’s email application using a built-in template.  The application is compatible with iOS 3 and iOS 4.

Sound off with your comments and feedback. Semper Fi.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.