Tag Archives: wind

Weather Calculators and Converters

Available in the App Store

* Featured by Apple in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom in both iPhone & iPad > Weather > What’s Hot

The Heat Index and Wind Chill Factor Calculators now display automatic weather calculation based on iPhone/iPad localization features with available internet access. Just press the Fetch button.

The Weather Calculators and Converters app will calculate weather conditions and do conversion between weather units which are input. Entries may be Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin, MPH, KPH, Knots, inches of Mercury (in HG), millibars (hPA), millimeters of mercury (mm HG), meters, feet, etc. depending on the type of calculator.

• Send your calculations by mail
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

The following twelve calculators and converters are included

– Heat Index
– Wind Chill
– Relative Humidity & Wetbulb
– Vapor Pressure
– Mixing Ratio
– Virtual Temperature
– Station Pressure
– Altimeter Setting
– Pressure Altitude
– Wind Speed Converter
– Temperature Converter
– Pressure Unit Converter

The results can also be emailed through the iphone’s email application using an automatically filled-in email template.

Simply punch in your raw numbers and press Calculate to get the answers to the formulas. It is as simple as that.

This is a Universal App which will run on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions through the Apple’s Volume Purchase Program.

Wind Chill Factor Calculator

Available in the App Store

* Featured by Apple in ‘What’s Hot’ in the United States under iPad > Weather

The Wind Chill Index Factor displays automatic weather calculation based on iPhone/iPad localization features with available internet access. Just press the Fetch button.

This is a tool for measuring the perceived when outside by measuring the impact of wind on the temperature of the air. The wind chill factor can not lower a temperature below the current air temperature, but instead it speeds up the decrease in temperature proportional the speed of the wind

Both the Old model for calculating the Wind Chill Factor, pre-2001 formula, and the New Wind Chill Index devised by the National Weather Service in 2001 are used. The values are calculated to the second decimal place for extra accuracy.

Inputs for Air Temperature can be given as Fahrenheit or Celsius. Acceptable inputs for wind velocity are Knots, Miles per Hour, and Kilometers per Hour.

This app features:

• Send your calculations or conversion by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs

Note: Windchill Temperature is only defined for temperatures at or below 50 degrees F and wind speeds above 3 mph.

Available in the App Store

This app is available for a discount to Apple-approved Education institutions in the United States. Please contact Apple for further details.